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Independent Study on the Package Release Mechanism

This is the third stage of the system, which is delivering the flotation device to the victim using drones. This bridges the victim with the flotation device, which gives them hope to survive in flooding. Therefore, we must make the system safe and precise for delivery so that they can obtain the device and sustain themselves. To achieve that, we have come up with several trials and testing. Let us go into the details.

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Methodology: Testing and Trials

  • Several design iterations are made with DC motors and electromagnets

  • There are some challenges and concerns:

  1. Drone can only take less than 1.5 kg weight items.

  2. The design with dc motor and electromagnet have exceeded 2 kg.

  3. The rolling mechanism from dc motor is complicated with multiple procedures.

  4. consistent power extraction is needed for turning dc motor for rolling rope

  5. It is not user-friendly that victim need to unplug the carabiner from the rope, which has rolled down from drone downwards the victims

  6. Complicated wire management is needed for this subsystem.

  7. It requires multiple connection signals for different motions.

  8. It is difficult for assembling for both dc motor and electromagnet


Methodology: Redesigning

We finally decided to use a servo motor to control the release system. The hook connecting with servo motor hanger horizontally hangs the 2kg flotation devices with a balancing spring 2kg on the other side to counteract the force.

However, there are still some problems after testing it with the drone together:

  1. We may need spring to counteract the force of the floatation device

  2. We need to think of how to mount on drone smartly and wisely without affecting the blade

  3. The hook hanging the device must be stronger with larger infill in printing material.

  4. The centre of gravity must be in the middle to avoid an imbalance of weights.

  5. The wire must not affect the blade rotation and prevent entanglement for safety.

  6. The shape of hook may affect the stability of the holding device during flights.

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Final Iteration

With the testing and considerable factors, we may with the following changes to prevent all the disadvantages from happening.

  1. Built with an acrylic stand to calculate and test the centre of gravity accurately.

  2. zip-tie for zipping all debris parts and wires for safety and decent design.

  3. The hook holding horizontally changes from holding vertically, but the edge of the hook will be more curvy instead of flat to avoid the slippery of device during the sending process.

Major Advantages

  1. 1 meter area precise dropping avoid mis-drop or hurt the victim.

  2. using ESP32, just press one button to rotate the hook and the money will be earned.

  3. We use light but tough PLA material for the hook to maintain its toughness by adjusting 3d printing material need as well as maintain light Weigt for releasing.

  4. Safe delivering process without much interaction with the victim.

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Parallel Lines


No matter what the result is, it is best if you have tried everything but failed at last. Time management is also important when managing 3D printing. All items should be mostly safe recently. Therefore, simple design has come when it is true. Further research and reports will be provided when it is essential for doing such projects in the future.

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